Asian and Pacific Islander Cancer Education Materials Web Tool
(Reviewed: 06/22/2009) - A fact sheet about the APICEM Web tool, which offers health-care providers a place to search for Asian-language cancer education materials for patients by specific Asian language, by cancer site, or by screening topic. This effort is supported by NCI.

Cancer Health Disparities
(Reviewed: 03/11/2008) - A fact sheet that describes the current incidence and death rates for selected cancers among racial and ethnic groups living in the United States. It also includes a description of NCI programs that are addressing the causes of cancer health disparities.

(Reviewed: 06/22/2009) - A fact sheet about the APICEM Web tool, which offers health-care providers a place to search for Asian-language cancer education materials for patients by specific Asian language, by cancer site, or by screening topic. This effort is supported by NCI.

Cancer Health Disparities
(Reviewed: 03/11/2008) - A fact sheet that describes the current incidence and death rates for selected cancers among racial and ethnic groups living in the United States. It also includes a description of NCI programs that are addressing the causes of cancer health disparities.

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